As a Wisconsin licensed real estate agent and professional handyman, Mr. Taylor offers a seamless home buying experience. His dual expertise ensures the process is efficient and stress-free, allowing both parties to close within 30 days.
Why spend over $10,000 on a realtor to list your home, endure numerous showings, face uncertainty about when the sale will close, and not know if the deal will fall apart when the inspection comes back? We offer a hassle-free alternative: no showings to other buyers, no hefty commissions, a fair deal that works for both parties, and in most cases... no contingencies! And we will never ask you to fix one single thing! You also have the added benefit of relating directly to your buyer and not through multiple parties that can cause miscommunications and create personal barriers in the sale process.
We have assisted over 50 people in moving on from their properties, including landlords, elderly individuals, those needing to relocate quickly, and homeowners facing numerous issues with their property. Our stress-free process is tailored to each home owners specific needs. And what we offer has proven time and time again to be valuable to many sellers! Whether you need a quick sale, own a distressed property, or desire a seamless transition, our experience ensures you can move forward with confidence and ease.
We love to tailer the sale of your home to exactly what you need! See some of the customizable sale options we have below!
Leave whatever you'd like behind! Even if it's 10 dumpsters worth of trash! We will take care of all unwanted items after closing.
As a professional handyman company, we can repair almost anything in a home. This means you can sell your home to us as-is, and we can handle any necessary repairs after closing. You won't need to worry about fixing any issues. We will not ask or require you to fix one single thing! You can set the keys on the table, walk away leaving all stress behind, and take a nice and relaxing stroll to the bank to deposit your check. We will take care of the rest.
We can close within 15 days for those who need to move very quickly under extreme conditions.
As a Wisconsin licensed real estate agent, Mr. Taylor can take care of all the paperwork necessary to purchase your property, and get the deal to the closing table. Free of charge.
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